
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

PA Day – View Agenda


All Day

Wednesday, September 1st, 2021



  • Land Acknowledgement and Welcome Back Prayer Service
  • Religious Education & Family Life – Exploring the NEW Board Theme

Staff will explore the NEW Board Theme, “I Belong Here – Together We Are God’s Good News!” in further detail and develop specific goals and activities to ensure that all members of their school community feel and know that they “Belong”.

  • Health and Safety – Protocols, Covid-19

Staff will review the CDSBEO School Re-entry Plan 2021-2022, the Workplace Violence presentation, COVID-19 Awareness and Prevention Online Module, and COVID-19 Cohorting Module.


  • Mental Health and Well-Being – “A Mentally Healthy Return to School”

Staff will learn the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on children, youth and their families and explore strategies that they can incorporate in their teaching to counter-balance some of these hardships. Trauma-informed classrooms will be examined and many hands-on techniques and ready-made lesson plans, appropriate for children and youth, will be discussed and modelled.

  • Curriculum – Instructional Approaches to Online-Remote Learning

In preparation for the 2021-2022 school year, we want to provide the opportunity for teachers to prepare for various instructional scenarios should they be required. This one-hour self-directed learning session if for all classroom teachers to set up their online-remote learning virtual classroom. Elementary teachers (Kindergarten-Grade 8) will use Microsoft Teams. High school teachers (Grades 9-12) will choose either Microsoft Teams or Brightspace as their virtual learning environment. In the case that we need to pivot to remote learning, these classes will be set-up and ready for access if required.

Respecting different entry points around Microsoft Teams and Brightspace, this training will also support all teachers by providing an overview of the tools required for online-remote learning. Teachers may wish to explore the module sequentially or review relevant sections as needed

Disruption of Service

There are currently no service disruptions to report.