
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Terms of Use & Copyright Protection

Terms of Use

The CDSBEO website is maintained as a public service to students, parents, staff, and site visitors from the community and beyond. The board cannot guarantee that all information is current or accurate. Website users should verify all information before acting on it. The CDSBEO reserves the right to change or modify its terms, conditions, and notices under which use of the website is offered. Continued use of this website constitutes an agreement to all such terms, conditions, and notices.

Communications made through this website’s email and messaging system should in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the school board or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, or representatives, with respect to any existing or potential complaint, grievance, claim, or cause of action against the school board or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, or representatives.

Copyright Protection

Materials on this website were produced and/or compiled by the CDSBEO to provide visitors with direct access to information about the programs and services offered by the board. The material on this website is covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act and all applicable federal and provincial statutes. Such provisions serve to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials without written permission. Any reproduction or commercial use of the materials is strictly prohibited without written permission of the CDSBEO. To obtain information concerning copyright ownership and restrictions on reproduction of materials on this site, please contact communications@cdsbeo.on.ca.

External Links Disclaimer

There may be websites linked to and from this site that are operated or created by or for outside organizations. Those organizations are solely responsible for the operation and information (including the right to display such information) found on their respective websites. The linking to or from this site does not imply on the part of the CDSBEO or any of its employees, any endorsement or guarantee of any of the organizations or information (including the right to display such information) found on their respective websites.

The CDSBEO does not assume and is not responsible for any liability whatsoever for any of these linked websites, the operation or content (including the right to display such information) of any of the linked websites, nor any of the information, interpretation, comments, or opinions expressed in any of the linked websites. Any comments or inquiries regarding the linked websites are to be directed to the particular organization for whom the website is being operated. The board reserves the right to block access to and from inappropriate Internet domains, email addresses, or websites.