
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Mental Health Resources

The CDSBEO is committed to building resiliency and positive mental health for all of our students. We are proud to support many programs that facilitate the well-being of our students and staff. Please explore our initiatives and programs within the Mental Health section of this website, to learn more about how the CDSBEO is being proactive with mental health. In addition, many resources are available for students, parents, and those seeking additional information through document resources. On this site you will also find contact information for our community partners who offer specialized mental health and addictions supports.

*In an immediate crisis, call 911 or go to a hospital.

Click here to view Staff Mental Health Resources

Student/Parent Mental Health Resources

Student Mental Health Ontario (SMHO)

SMHO works with Ontario school districts to support student mental health and build student resiliency. This support is provided through evidence-based leadership and coordination, resources, and implementation coaching support. The CDSBEO Mental Health Lead, Michelle Neville, engages regularly with SMHO. Their website contains a variety of resources for families, educators, school administrators and students. To learn more about SMHO, and to view their resources, please visit: www.smho-smso.ca

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7, national support service. They offer professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French. Whether by phone, text, mobile app or through our website, you can connect with them whenever you want, however you want.

jack.org COVID-19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub

Kids Help Phone has seen an unprecedented surge of young people feeling more stressed than usual reaching out during this global pandemic. With information on mental health and COVID-19 scattered all over the internet, finding accurate information and appropriate resources can be hard. Jack.org, School Mental Health Ontario and Kids Help Phone have partnered to bring you all the information needed in one easy-to-access hub so that youth mental health remains top of mind, and our communities are able to easily access the education, tools, support and reliable information they need. Visit: jack.org

Center for Parent and Teen Communication

The Center for Parent and Teen Communication offers practical, science-based strategies for strengthening family connections and building youth prepared to thrive. Their multimedia content is rooted in decades of research on effective parenting and strengths-based communication techniques, and covers a range of topics geared towards promoting teens to become their best selves. Their materials can be accessed through articles, videos, podcasts, interviews, and a popular “Parenting in 100 Words” series. Full details available at: https://parentandteen.com 

Parents’ Lifelines of Eastern Ontario (PLEO)

PLEO is a non-profit family support organization for parents and caregivers whose children, up to the age of 24, are dealing with mental health and/or addiction challenges. They are staffed with parents who also have supported their own children with these challenges – they have travelled this journey. They understand the challenges and the stresses on families but they also know there is hope, recovery is possible and they know first-hand that parents and caregivers play a significant role. Children and youth with good family support have better outcomes. Families also need support to be the supporters and advocates their children’s need. No parent should feel alone. PLEO offers a telephone support line, support groups and 1-on-1 support to families in most of our schools (the telephone support line is available to all of our schools). For more information about these services, please visit: www.pleo.on.ca

Parent Resources

  • Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation (CCAF)
  • Lung Health Foundation