
Educating and Inspiring… heart, mind, body, and soul!

Parent Survey – Method of Learning

CDSBEO elementary families (Kindergarten to Grade 8) have been sent an email with information regarding the completion date for the elementary progress reporting term (November 9, 2020), and requesting changes to their child’s method of learning based on this date. Parents who wish to change their child’s method of learning (ie; to move from face-to-face instruction to the CDSBEO Virtual Learning Elementary School, or move from the CDSBEO Virtual Learning Elementary School to face-to-face instruction) effective November 9, must complete the survey before October 19, 2020 (survey link provided in the email). No changes or late responses will be accepted after this deadline.

If you did not receive the email, but wish to change your child’s method of learning, please contact your school. Parents who do not wish to make a change do not need to complete the survey.

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